Frequently asked questions
To order
You can add any item you like to your shopping cart, in almost any quantity.
When you feel you are done shopping, a short summary of your order will automatically pop up when you reach the top right corner, just above the total and the “ADD TO CART” button. Here you can choose to view the full and detailed contents of your basket or proceed to checkout. If you wish to finalise your order, click on the PAYMENT button and you will be taken to the PAYMENT page where you can purchase your products in just 3 short steps.
- BUYER’S DETAILS: enter your details or log in.
- SHIPPING OPTIONS: choose where your order will be shipped to; you can also specify your billing needs here.
- OPTIONS: select your preferred option and you’re done.
We will notify you of your order by e-mail and confirm your order. Our email will include the order number and details of the order. You will be contacted by phone/email by one of our delivery staff or our delivery partner.